Friday, November 20, 2009

On Second Thought

I was so tired yesterday trying to blog I missed some things I really wanted to share. If you missed my blog yesterday, I was quite traumatized by the whole trip to the Atlanta Medical Center Office Building. The Outside of the Building looks Modern and Quite nice. Though the surrounding are less to be desired. Inside was frightening. Maybe I am spoiled, by new facilities but I just couldn't do it.

I have a Question for my Other Banders Would it alarm you to walk in a Bariatic Office, to be greeted by Obese Personnel? I know I am being judgemental here. Maybe there are a road to getting healthy. It frightened me. I want to see Healthy Individuals in my Surgeons office. He only had a Office Staff on Two, Both of which were Morbidly Obese. Very pretty Women yet Morbidly Obese. Scared the hell out of me. Why wasn't he helping them?

I did immediately follow up after bailing on my Consult to find New Surgeons. I am very happy to say I found the Emory University Bariartic Center accepts my Insurance. I signed up for the information Seminar on January 14th. They are not having one in December because of the Holidays. I am thankful to them for the that. This was a concern for me. I didn't want the holidays to be about Mommy being sick, Or "healing" for my 6 year old.

I found out I won't be required to do a 6 month diet , just possibly 2 weeks of liquids if my Surgeon decides my livers needs shrinking. I'm pretty sure it will. My BMI was a 53. They are going to be sending me a information packet out in the mail. I can't wait to get it. I hope it comes really soon. I'm looking forward to a Bright New Beginnings in a Bright New Year!


  1. Well for that other doctor office I would be scared or freaked out as well to see two obese people working in surgeons office too, I understand what you are saying, my surgeons sectary she is not thing but she is healthy looking and super helpful. As for those two ladies like you said you never know but yes he should have had at least 1 in that that had it done or someone that looked healthy. I'm glad that you found new doctors and you will be starting your new yeat off right yay. Enjoy the holidays.

  2. Hi - wow I'm so happy to see you found a new surgeon. I just found your blog- I have my own and have found the whole lapband blogging community to be an awesome support group.
    I was banded in June and have lost almost 50 pounds! If you get a chance please check out my blog:
    Can't wait to read more about your journey!

  3. I went to the Emory seminar and loooooved it! I didn't choose them b/c I'm self pay and they are way high up there in terms of price point. I highly recommend Dr. Sweeney. He was ranked #1 in bariatric surgery in Atlanta Magazine this year.

  4. Cody, Thank you for the bit of information. I just went to the Seminar last Thursday, and I didn't know which Surgeon to choose. Great Tip!
